Design 101

Design 101

Setting Up Large Project Requests

When the standard intake form isn't enough, the following are two commonly used methods for wrangling large and/or complex requests. See which makes sense for you, or possibly lift ideas from each to best suit your needs.

Breaking down large requests into several smaller requests
can be a great way to getting the job done.

Approach 1

The following identifies the kind of projects this approach works best for, highlights benefits, and watch-outs. 

Leverage this approach when:

Campaigns/Requests have multiple, easily divisible deliverables, with delivery dates that can be staggered. For example when a campaign needs: 

  • Banners

  • Brand Store assets 

  • PDP assets

The Benefits:

  • A look and feel can be more efficiently honed and approved via one deliverable (i.e Typically banners)  

  • Once approved by all stakeholders, it can be quickly and efficiently leverage across the remaining assets

  • Saves time-consuming rounds of revisions across many deliverable types

  • And once a look is approved, if needed, individual requests can be assigned to multiple designers when speed/dividing and conquering is required

The Watchouts:

  • When approving a new look and feel, make sure all stakeholder are onboard, as making late-game changes is costly and inefficient when needed across an entire campaign

  • If dividing and conquering is needed, be sure designers know to coordinate to ensure consistency across all assets

  • Keep project naming consistent, as it helps designers recognize large requests spread across multiple projects requests

    For Example:

Creating and linking to a supplemental PowerPoint
is a winning method for communicating large, complex requests

Approach 2

The following identifies the kind of projects this approach works best for, highlights benefits, and watch-outs.

Leverage this approach when:

Campaigns/Requests have multiple, not easily divisible deliverables, each with uniquely varying details. For example when a request has: 

  • 6 PDP tiles 

  • All sharing a similar branded look 

  • But all needing very different layouts and messaging

The Benefits:

  • Allows for more detailed guidance than the request intake 

  • Tends to eliminate the need for length
    kick-off meetings. Though sometimes brief walk-through are needed

  • Being a visual guide, its often more quickly absorbed and understood by designers

  • Can easily be updated throughout the lifespan of a request, to communicate needed feedback and revisions

The Watchouts:

  • Supplemental PowerPoints can be a bit time-consuming to create, but short-changing the effort can lead to confusion, errors, redos and additional kick-off time

  • When updating a PowerPoint post kick-off, be sure to inform project managers and designers of changes via email, as we don't always receive PowerPoint change alerts