Design 101

Design 101

Font Rights and Usage

Navigating font rights & usage can be a tricky task, and doing it right can require legal guidance to understand the EULAs (End User Licensing Agreements) that governs each and every font. 

Just because an existing asset comes with fonts,
it DOES NOT mean we have the legal right to use them.

If you remember anything from section it should be...

General Rules

Desktop Fonts shared with existing art can only be leveraged by the eComm design team if:

They are licensed and living with the PepsiCo Global Design UTC (Universal Type Client)

They are included within our PepsiCo Adobe Fonts subscription

They are Google Fonts

In the above cases, designer should NOT load shared fonts into Font Book, but should go to UTC, our Adobe Fonts subscription and activate the fonts they need.


Desktop Fonts created and fully owned by clients and/or brands that are shared with us for specific uses (the following are a couple of examples):

Walmart's Bogle

Use of these fonts are limited and should be used only as sanction by the owners.

For example: within their banner templates, etc...

Image Rights and Usage

Navigating images and illustrations rights & usage is a tricky task, and doing it right can require legal guidance to understand the licensing agreements that govern them.

Before sharing images/illustration/icons with design,
ensure we own the rights & uses for the purposes we intent to
leverage them for.

If you remember anything from section it should be...

For Example: just because an image was used for print does not ensure it was licensed for world-wide, unlimited web use. A review of the licensing agreement is the only sure way to understand compliance/use requirements.